The OCA Spring Conference
Wednesday & Thursday March 20-21, 2019
Embassy Suites Hotel, Dublin OH
This Conference is being offered to all OCA Members, NASW Ohio Members, OCD Professionals, OSCA Members, and all counselors and social workers in Ohio. Our CSWMFT CE Credits are approved for all four professional groups.
(link above and general info below)
WEDNESDAY MARCH 20, 2018 (3 Ethics CEs, 3 Supervision CEs)
9am – Registration and Exhibits
10am – Where Supervisor Sees Supervisee: Culturally Responsive Social Justice Supervision - Colette Dollarhide, PhD, NCC, ACS, LPC/S and Delila Owens, PhD., LPC, LSC. 3 Supervision CE Credits
1pm – Transition and Break (lunch)
2pm – Ethics Training on Privilege and Power: Dual Relationships - Dawn Friedman, PhD, MSEd, LPCC. 3 Ethics CE Credits
5:00pm - Networking Reception
- Grad Student Poster Sessions
THURSDAY MARCH 21, 2019 (4 CEs)
8am – Registration and Exhibits
9am – Welcome and Introductions
9:15am – Presenting the Case for Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opiate Addictions - Martina Moore, PhD, LPCC, LICDS-CS. 1 General CE Credit
9:00am - Getting the Most out of Mentorship
Networking & Making Mentorship Connections
10:45am – Breakouts I (5 sessions, 1 CE) 1 CE Credit
10:45am - Grad Student Track: Making the Most of your Supervised Internship
10:45am - Grad Student Track: How to Thrive as a Doc Student
12:00pm – LUNCH
1:00pm – Breakouts (5 Sessions, 1 CE) 1 CE Credit
1:00pm - Grad Student Track: Resumes, Cover Letters, and Job Hunting for Master's Students
1:00pm - Grad Student Track: CVs, Cover Letters, and Job Hunting for Doctoral Students
2:15pm – Breakouts (5 sessions, 1 CE) 1 CE Credit
2:30pm - Grad Student Track: Ongoing Professional Development: Nurturing Your Passions in Grad School and Beyond
2:30pm - Grad Student Track: Teaching and Research and Service, Oh My! Developing Skills for Faculty Success in your Ph.D. Program
3:30pm – Adjourn
3:30pm - Grad Student Track: Self-Care and Grad Student Life

The Ohio Counseling Association is an approved provider for the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage and Family Therapist Board Program. Approval Number #RCS031407
The OCA is solely responsible for all aspects of the program.